Microsoft Exchange

//Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Exchange 2018-01-14T13:49:55-04:00

MicrosoftExchangeMicrosoft Exchange Collaboration Services

Since its inception in 1995, Microsoft Exchange Server has been the de facto standard for business email and now offers the following unbeatable features:

  • Keeps important data in one place with Exchange archiving and retention policies
  • Sharing and collaboration of Mailboxes, Folders, Notes, Calendars and Tasks
  • Synchronization with Mobile Devices to access your E-mail, Contacts, and Calendar from your Blackberry, iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile Devices
  • “Unified Messaging” lets users receive voice mail, email, and faxes in their mailboxes
  • Works on any device with a web browser that supports Outlook Web Access (OWA)
  • Helps eliminate email threats before they reach your network with anti-spam, antivirus and junk filtering
  • Protects your sensitive data and informs users of internal compliance policies
  • Public Folders showing one Mailbox to all users, saving massive amounts of storage space
  • Backups, so that when your hard drive fails, setting up on the new hard drive is as simple as connecting to the Exchange Server!
  • You move to the cloud on your terms – your Exchange server is on-site, online, or a combination of the two

Let NextSys Networking determine if Microsoft Exchange Services are right for you or not.  If  you already have an Exchange server let us manage it to ensure you are running smoothly to avoid possible down time later.  If you are interested in Exchange Services we can help you determine whether an internal Exchange 2013 server or Hosted Exchange Services are the right fit for your company.

If you would like more information or have additional questions, please contact us at, or you can reach us at 519.885.8494