IT Manager Service

//IT Manager Service
IT Manager Service 2018-01-14T13:49:55-04:00

IT Manager Service – Allow NextSys Networking to be your IT Manager

By definition, an IT Manager is the person responsible for the implementation and operation of technology within an organization. Most organizations, small and medium-sized businesses, do not have a dedicated IT manager. This is where NextSys Networking can step in and be your IT Manager to ensure that strategic technology objectives are managed and executed properly. Similar to how a controller manages the financial and staff operations of a company our IT Manager Service will help you manage your technology and make day to day decisions.

NextSys Networking IT Manager Services can help your organization with the following:

  • itmanagerManaging budgets – we ensure your service costs stay within your agreed upon budget and our service charges stay within what we quoted.
  • Technology risk management – minimizing the risk of events such as data loss or system outage and the costs associated if they do happen.
  • Compliance management – making sure your organization remains compliant with software licensing, applicable laws, and regulations.
  • Project management – ensuring that strategic projects are moved forward and managed within scope, time and cost objectives.
  • Change management – we ensure that changes made to your network do not negatively impact your operations or increase your risk or exposure.
  • Capacity planning – as your organization grows, we serve as a trusted adviser to enable you to make the right decisions to positively impact your organization’s future.

Our IT Manager Services will help your organization realize the following benefits:

  • Continual operations – we will ensure balanced technology and risk to ensure that your business can operate reliably.
  • Sustainable growth – your organization can grow cost effectively by ensuring the right operational decisions are made now so they do not pose growth risks in the future.
  • Constantly Trained IT Management – it is our job to constantly be on top of what technologies work, which ones do not work, and which ones are on their way out and should be replaced.  Let us burden the expense of keeping up on technology and only pay us a fraction of what you would pay for a full time IT Manager.

NextSys Networking can help keep your organization on track as you reach your business goals.

If you would like more information or have additional questions, please contact us at, or you can reach us at 519-885-8494